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Perfect tool for tracking traffic- Google Analytics

Google analytics Do you want to know what is Google Analytics? If you want to do this, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will know what is Google analytics, the benefits of Google Analytics, Universal analytics V/S GA4, and the difference between UA, and GA4. All the answers to these questions, you will get in this article. What is Google analytics? Google Analytics is a free tool of Google uses to get information about the number of visitors per day, hour, year, etc. It shows information about the visitors, like their country, and whether the traffics is organic or inorganic, all the information is provided by Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools used by people to track the record of their websites. Benefits of Google Analytics Helps in tracking the traffic and provides reports based on the traffic. Shows the country from where the traffic is coming. It shows whether the traffic is organic, referrals, email, social media, or any othe

What is Sustainable development| Importance is Sustainable development| Sustainable development goals


What is Sustainable Development

This article will include what is sustainable development, importance of sustainable development, sustainable development goals and conclusion.

Sustainable development introduction



Sustainable development is made up of two words which are sustainable and development.

Sustainable means the ability to continue or sustain for a longer period of time.

Development means the process of developing, having growth and becoming better each and every day.

When these two words combine it becomes Sustainable Development.

What is Sustainable development?- Using the resources in such a manner that it fulfills the need of the present generation as well as sustaining the resources for future generations.

Importance of sustainable development

Sustainable development is a paramount task, so as to keep the resources for future generations without compromising the need of the present generation. Sustainable development is necessary for economic, social and political balance. If we will continue to exploit the resources like this, then it will adversely affect our environment. We will face the shortage of clean water, air, food etc.

17 sustainable goals were developed for sustainable development.


Sustainable development Goals

All the countries in the United Nations in the year 2015 adopted Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The sustainable development goals consist of 17 goals for the objective of reducing poverty, inequality,  keeping all the people free from diseases, ensuring equality among boys and girls etc. by the year 2030. That’s why it is also called Agenda 2030 for sustainable development.

The 17 sustainable development goals which were set by UN are as follows:

1.    No poverty

2.    Zero hunger

3.    Good health and well-being

4.    Quality education

5.    Gender equality

6.    Clean water and sanitation

7.    Affordable and clean energy

8.    Decent work and economic growth

9.    Industry innovation and infrastructure

10.      Reduced inequalities

11.      Sustainable cities and communities

12.      Responsible consumption and protection

13.      Climate action

14.      Life below water

15.      Life on land

16.      Peace, justice and strong institutions

17.      Partnerships for the goals



Sustainable development should be the priority of all of us. It is not only the responsibility of government or some organizations, it is the responsibility of all the citizens to use all the resources wisely so as to maintain the balance of nature.

 This is all about what is sustainable development, importance of sustainable development, sustainable development goals and conclusion.


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