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Perfect tool for tracking traffic- Google Analytics

Google analytics Do you want to know what is Google Analytics? If you want to do this, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will know what is Google analytics, the benefits of Google Analytics, Universal analytics V/S GA4, and the difference between UA, and GA4. All the answers to these questions, you will get in this article. What is Google analytics? Google Analytics is a free tool of Google uses to get information about the number of visitors per day, hour, year, etc. It shows information about the visitors, like their country, and whether the traffics is organic or inorganic, all the information is provided by Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools used by people to track the record of their websites. Benefits of Google Analytics Helps in tracking the traffic and provides reports based on the traffic. Shows the country from where the traffic is coming. It shows whether the traffic is organic, referrals, email, social media, or any othe

What is blogging and its types

 What is blogging and its types 

Now a days if someone asks that " what is the best way of earning money from  home  if , l am interested in writing " , then the most common answer will come that is  'blogging ' .

But before doing blogging you must know what is blogging and its types .

What is blogging?

Blog is a type of website where a individual , a group of people or a company write and share their thoughts , ideas , marketing strategies , information etc on a regular basis. 

The process of writing blogs is called blogging. And what or who is blogger , so blogger is a person who do blogging.

When blogging firstly emerged , people only used to share personal things about their life, they used it as their personal dairy but the personal diary used to be online.
But now a days , the definition of blogging has updated . Blogging can be anything , writing about personal interests whether it is for advertising our business or promoting business , to make a online presence , writing about the topics which we are interested in or sharing information about any topic we know or can write about. The post you write and publish in the blogging section is called is a blog post.

Now , if you know what is blogging , let's see and understand the different types of blog.


Types of blog

There are many types of blog but the 5 most common blogs are :

1. Personal Blog :

What is personal blog , a  personal blog is the type of blog in which the person writes about his or her personal interests.  It can include anything like their daily routine , their current life , interests , hobbies etc. like they are writing a diary. Their intention is not to target a particular audience.

2.Business blog :

As you can guess  from it's name that what are business blogs and you are right . Business blogs are the types of blogs which a person , group of people , organization or company writes for their business promotion and to attract more traffic to their website. Business blogs target a particular audience who are interested in buying or selling their products.

3.Niche blog :

Niche blog is the type of blog which is written on a particular topic , basically your all blogs will be written on particular topic or a niche . Rather than writing on all the topics , you can observe where your interest lies and can start niche blogging on that topic.

For example :
If you are interested in cooking you can write cooking blogs . If you are interested in sports you can write sport blogs and so on.
Some of the niche blogs are :

  • ‌Lifestyle blogs

  • ‌Finance blogs

  • ‌Educational blogs

  • ‌Technology blogs etc .

4.News blog :

The blogs which are written on daily news , current affairs , politics , new policies , sports news , entertainment news  etc.  are called news blogs .
If you are interested in writing about politics,  entertainment , sports , businesses  news etc. then start writing news blogs on a daily basis.

5.Affilate blog :

Affilate blogging is one of the best ways by the blogger can make money online . It is a win-win situation for both the advertiser and blogger .
You have to give the link of the product or service of the advertiser and when the reader reads  your blog or if he / she clicks on the link attached by you and purchases the product through your link , you will get commission.

So , in this article you get to know about what is  blog , blogging ,blog posts and what are the different types of blog. Hope you get some information through this article.


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