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Showing posts from September, 2022

Perfect tool for tracking traffic- Google Analytics

Google analytics Do you want to know what is Google Analytics? If you want to do this, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will know what is Google analytics, the benefits of Google Analytics, Universal analytics V/S GA4, and the difference between UA, and GA4. All the answers to these questions, you will get in this article. What is Google analytics? Google Analytics is a free tool of Google uses to get information about the number of visitors per day, hour, year, etc. It shows information about the visitors, like their country, and whether the traffics is organic or inorganic, all the information is provided by Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools used by people to track the record of their websites. Benefits of Google Analytics Helps in tracking the traffic and provides reports based on the traffic. Shows the country from where the traffic is coming. It shows whether the traffic is organic, referrals, email, social media, or any othe

5 Ways to earn money online

 5 ways to earn money online As we all know that one of the most important things in our life is money. Everyone needs money to make their living . In this world , now a days and the upcoming days everyone wants to make money online. They seek for work from home opportunities. Hardly , people want to work off line. First we have to know, how to make money from home. But the thing is that there are many ways available by which we can earn a good amount of money online. The first and most important thing is you have to keep patience in doing any work .  So , let's see, 5 ways to make money online. 1.Blogging : Blogging is one of the most best ways to make money online. Blogging is about writing , the topic which you are interested in. There are many websites by which you can do blogging . For example -wordpress, blogger , wix , medium etc. It will take a time to earn money , but when you will get traffic then you can earn through ads. 2.You tube : Everyone spends their most of the da

Benefits of reading books

 Benefits of reading books Reading books is one of the best habits you can include in your day . Reading books have infinite number of benefits. From each and every book, we can learn something . You can read any book according to your area of interest. You can start your day , end your day by reading a book or also you can read a book between your work for mind refreshment. Some of the benefits of reading a book are as follows: 1.Increases knowledge: What can be the best infinite source of knowledge except books. We can increase our knowledge related to life if we read a book related to life. We can learn from other's experience in the form of biography or autobiography. We could be more creative and innovative than before. 2.Improves vocabulary: There are number of new words you can learn from a book. It helps you in improving your vocabulary. You can underline them , search them and understand them . You can read the book in any language you want , maybe you want to learn a new

Benefits of making to-do-lists

Benefits of making to-do-lists   Now a days most of the people makes to-do-lists for their tasks . To-do-lists are the list of tasks or work we set to do for a particular day , week or year . Most of the to do lists are made for one particular day.  But , what are the benefits of to do lists and how they help us in our day to day life. There are a number of benefits of making to do lists,  some of them are : 1.Removes strees of memorising : Making to do lists removes stress of memorising each and everything . All the tasks we can write in our to do list , there will be no need to memorise each and everything in our mind. Example: You are given with a lots of projects and homework . And it's very difficult to memorise each and everything in our mind for long time. So, it's better to make a to do list , as it will remove the stress of memorising and you can focus better on your work. 2.Gives a clear vision: If we make to do lists then it gives a very crystal clear vision about al

How to study effectively

 How to do effective study   Study becomes very easy task when you do effective study. But what is effective study and how to do it. Let's take an example rather than a definition. There are two students , say , student A and student B. Student A studies for 7-8 hours whereas student B studies for just 4-5 hours and both are scoring same. Although, there is a difference between the number of hours they both are studying . It's is not due to the quantity difference it's due to the quality difference. And here is the difference between normal study and effective study methods. In effective study you study for less time but can score good marks. So , let's know how to do effective study , step by step : Step 1 : Planning- The very first step is planning , planning about the subject , chapter and the topic you are going to study for today. Because if you will do planning from before then it will become very easy to study according to your set goals and this also will not w

How to save money

  How to Save money Saving money is very important for our day to day life.  Even some amount of money you should save on regular basis. Suppose in the phase of money shortage , savings can help you out. By saving money from a longer time , you can also buy an asset , you can pay your loans etc. All these things you know from earlier , but the thing is that , how to save money.  1.Make an excel sheet: First step is to make an excel sheet in which you have to write all your necessities , expenses and the amount. If you will make excel sheet then you will have a clear and broad vision on all your expenses.  Try to save some amount of money . You have to make the excel sheet whenever you gets your salary. 2.Remove unwanted expenses: When a person see that in this month he/she remained with some extra amount of money, then the person spend the money in unwanted things which are not required at that moment. Try to remove your unwanted expenses and save money.          REMOVE UNWANTED EXP

Impact of smart phone

 Impact of smart phones •One of the most common things we can see with everyone is mobile phone while sleeping, studying, watching tv , free time etc. Phone is with us everytime whether its required or not.This world is totally dependent upon mobile phones irrespective of their ages. Even this post is also written and published by phone.         • Now-a-days the new born children are also given with phones to listen to rhymes,songs etc. We all have a habit of doing mindless scrolling without any reason.If we get a free time then the most obvious and certain thing we do is spend our time with phone rather than family. This is the impact of smart phones in today's life. •Dependency on mobile phones increasing day by day with the growing days because of the facilities we get through it. Most of the work can be done through home like study, online transactions , shopping, tickets booking etc. People are dependent on each and everything to do by phone and they feel frustrated to step ou

How to be mentally healthy

  How to be mentally healthy Topics to be covered : 1.Why is it important for being mentally healthy? 2.Habits for being mentally healthy . 3.Conclusion . We oftenly hears that “If you want to be happy ,you have to be physically and mentally fit”. But in this life of full day work, we always remains busy in our school,homework ,projects, office work, household chores etc. Or the time we get after our whole day work ,we spend it in browsing, scrolling down through social media or play online games. These are the habits which really makes us mentally ill. But ,if we will try to get rid out of this unhealthy lifestyle and want to achieve something in our life along with our mental wellness ,then remove these habits and add new habits in your lifestyle. So, let's see how to improve mental health or how to be mentally healthy. 1.Do physical activities:- The most ignored thing is physical activities. We are focusing on our projects, presentation etc but we never thinks about our physi

How to do Surya namaskar

 How to do Surya namaskar  Surya namaskar is one of the most ancient yoga practice . It is done by most of the population on a daily basis. But before doing Surya namaskar you must be known about Surya namaskar and it's benefits . And then we will proceed on how to do Surya namaskar. Table of contents : 1.What is Surya namaskar 2.Benefits of Surya namaskar   3.How to do Surya namaskar ? 4.Conclusion 1.Surya namaskar - what is Surya namaskar ? Surya namaskar is also known as Sun salutation in english. Surya namaskar derived from the two Sanskrit words which are Surya means sun and namaskar means salutation. Surya namaskar comprises of 12 asanas. It is a full body yoga for healthy body, mind and spirit. In Surya namaskar we show our gratitude and thankness towards sun for this wonderful life. 2.Benefits of Surya namaskar: There are infinite benefits of doing Surya namaskar . Like it helps in : 1.Helps in strengthening muscles and joints 2.Helps in weight loss 3.Helps to keep body fre

How to manage time

How to manage time As you know that if you are not able to complete all your task and manage all the thing properly and if you are blaming that it is due to shortage of time . Then this the problem of poor management of time. But the question arises that how to manage your time so that all taks will be completed on that particular day and it will create not backlogs. So, let's know some tips on how to manage time and can do all your work perfectly . 1.Keep a wrist watch with yourself:  Always try to keep a wrist watch along with yourself so that you will be concentrated towards your goal . If you will wear a wrist watch then it will continuously make you remember about the time and how fast it's passing rather than checking again and again on phone. 2.Make to do lists : Before starting your work , try to make a to do list for that particular day. Write down all the important taks you have to do in that particular day. So , that you will have an idea about your goals . You d

Why time management is important

  Why time management is important  We all listens from our childhood that "Time is money", "Don't waste time" , "Time never comes back" , "Why time management is important " etc.  So, let's see what is time management and why it is important .  Before knowing why time management is important , firstly, let's know what is time and the importance of time in our life. Time is the thing which we all have in limited amount and in that limited amount of time we have to complete our work . The most important thing of our life is time but at same moment , the most ignored thing is also time. When we loses it completely then our eyes gets opened and see how much it's important . One of the most primitive sayings is "Ones time passes it never comes back" , but not one really cares about it. With the day to day more development in technology most of the time we scroll down through social media , doing useless stuffs ,in this we f