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Showing posts from October, 2022

Perfect tool for tracking traffic- Google Analytics

Google analytics Do you want to know what is Google Analytics? If you want to do this, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will know what is Google analytics, the benefits of Google Analytics, Universal analytics V/S GA4, and the difference between UA, and GA4. All the answers to these questions, you will get in this article. What is Google analytics? Google Analytics is a free tool of Google uses to get information about the number of visitors per day, hour, year, etc. It shows information about the visitors, like their country, and whether the traffics is organic or inorganic, all the information is provided by Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools used by people to track the record of their websites. Benefits of Google Analytics Helps in tracking the traffic and provides reports based on the traffic. Shows the country from where the traffic is coming. It shows whether the traffic is organic, referrals, email, social media, or any othe

Online learning V/S Offline learning

Online learning V/S Offline learning   Online learning V/S Offline learning – this is one of the most debating issue now a days. Most of the people are eager to know which learning is better and why? After the arrival of COVID-19, people became dependent on technology for most of the things whether its study, office work, food ordering etc. The people are divided among two groups one who prefers offline learning and the another group who wants online learning. Different people may have different opinions which is totally understandable. So, in this article we are going to read a debate on Online learning V/S  Offline learning. This debate is among two person, the first person who supports offline learning and the second person who supports online learning. Debate on Online learning V/s Offline learning 1 st Person One of the most common reason why offline learning is better than online learning is due to the physical presence. If we have doubt while understanding a topic, th


 HOW TO LEARN A NEW SKILL Having knowledge of different types of skills is very important in today’s life. Academic knowledge is very important from the point of marks and results but real life needs practical knowledge and skills. But, most of the people fail to learn a new skill. In this article, let’s know about benefits of learning a skill and the ways of learning a new skill. Table of contents: 1.Benefits of learning a skill 2.Skills to learn online 3.How to learn a skill Benefits of learning a skill Why is it important to have the knowledge of different kinds of skills? There are infinite reasons. Some of them are as follows ·         Increases knowledge By learning anything you can increase your knowledge and can use it in your practical life. Try to learn more and more skills, it will increase your knowledge in different fields.   ·         Increases confidence When you will learn a skill it will automatically increase your confidence. As a result, you will be more co

Side hustle : Time to do something different

  Side hustle : Time to do something different   INTRODUCTION One of the most common thing people do in their life now a days  is doing some side hustle. Side hustle is very important in today's life ,let's know what is side hustle , importance of side hustle and  how to manage side hustle . Contents : ‌What is side hustle ‌Importance of side hustle ‌What are the ways of doing side hustle Meaning of side hustle ? Suppose that you are a school student , college student or you are doing a job . And fed up of all these routines and want to try and do something different in life which you are interested along with your regular school , college and job . Then this is called side hustle. In recent times , most of the people started doing side hustle which is very important . But why side hustle is important ? Let's know . Importance of side hustle Side hustle plays a very important role in today's life . With the advancement in technology , there are many thing

8 Tips for studying to get better results | How to study on your own

 8 Tips for studying to get better results | How to study on your own  Do you want to get better results in your exams . And you are looking for some tips for studying   which will help your studies. Then this article is for you which will help in your study and will help you in studying effectively . So , let's see the 8   tips for studying   at home or tips for studying effectively : 1.Always make notes : Whenever you are reading a topic or attending a lecture , try to make your own notes . So , that you can read them whenever you want and will not create trouble in the time of your exams. Handwritten notes are the best notes by which you can study. 2.Practice more and more questions  : The more you will practice questions the more you will become perfect . By practicing questions you can increase your confidence  . If you are finding any chapter difficult then practice questions from that chapter or a topic  will make you master in that . Keep , practicing more and more

What is digital marketing

 What is digital marketing   In most simple language , if we have to say what is digital marketing then it will be " the marketing which we do online" . As , we know that most of the time we are online and there we can see many ads . This is digital marketing .  But digital marketing is a very broad term , in this article you will only get to know what is digital marketing and what are the advantages or benefits of digital marketing So , let's understand what is digital marketing in brief : What is digital marketing Simply , if we have a business or we want to start a business and want to promote our services or products online , basically the marketing we want to do online. This type of marketing is known as digital marketing . Digital marketing we can do by different methods such as making websites , writing blog posts , promoting our product or service on different social media platforms , creating ads etc. By using these we can easily generate a good amount of traf

What is pomodoro technique |Pomodoro technique for increasing productivity|

  What is pomodoro technique  P omodoro technique is one of the most famous productive technique used by people now a days. Before knowing what is pomodoro technique and 5steps of pomodoro technique , let's know how this technique was discovered and by whom . Table of contents ‌Discovery of pomodoro technique ‌What is pomodoro technique ‌5 steps of pomodoro technique Discovery of pomodoro technique   Pomodoro technique was discovered by an university student Francesco Cirillo . So , when Francesco Cirillo was in university , he was not able to focus on his studies and as a result he was not able to complete his assignments and projects on time . So , to overcome this problem he decided that he do will do focused work for sometime without any distraction and after that he decided to take short breaks after doing focused work. In , Italian language pomodoro meaning is tomato. At , that time he used a tomato shaped kitchen timer for tracking his time.  What is pomodoro technique  

What is blogging and its types

 What is blogging and its types  Now a days if someone asks that " what is the best way of earning money from  home  if , l am interested in writing " , then the most common answer will come that is  ' blogging ' .   But before doing blogging you must know what is blogging and its types . What is blogging? Blog is a type of website where a individual , a group of people or a company write and share their thoughts , ideas , marketing strategies , information etc on a regular basis.  The process of writing blogs is called blogging.  And what or who is blogger , so blogger is a person who do blogging. When blogging firstly emerged , people only used to share personal things about their life, they used it as their personal dairy but the personal diary used to be online. But now a days , the definition of blogging has updated . Blogging can be anything , writing about personal interests whether it is for advertising our business or promoting business , to make a online