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Perfect tool for tracking traffic- Google Analytics

Google analytics Do you want to know what is Google Analytics? If you want to do this, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will know what is Google analytics, the benefits of Google Analytics, Universal analytics V/S GA4, and the difference between UA, and GA4. All the answers to these questions, you will get in this article. What is Google analytics? Google Analytics is a free tool of Google uses to get information about the number of visitors per day, hour, year, etc. It shows information about the visitors, like their country, and whether the traffics is organic or inorganic, all the information is provided by Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools used by people to track the record of their websites. Benefits of Google Analytics Helps in tracking the traffic and provides reports based on the traffic. Shows the country from where the traffic is coming. It shows whether the traffic is organic, referrals, email, social media, or any othe

Learning languages methods

Methods for Language learning

The question might arise before starting to learn second or third language that "why learning a new language is necessary or important?". Some people learn languages apart from their mother tongue because they love to learn new languages. It can be their hobby also. But some people learn new languages because they have to learn it. 
For example - Now-a-days, most of the students have a plan of going to abroad for their further education or job and they settled there. In these cases we must be able to communicate in their native languages, as to become comfortable or in this way we will not feel alienated.

So,here are 5 Methods by which you can learn and become fluent in any language. Let's have a look in the methods.

 Start and see learning languages methods 

Speaking is the first and most important method or step in learning in new language. Whatever you read ,learn, listen in that new language try to speak it out. First, may be you will not able to speak a single word but later on with practice and discipline you will see many changes in yourself.

2.Watch movie, news or tv shows in that language-
Try to watch movies, news or different T.V shows in that particular language which you want to learn. First,you will need subtitles to understand what the person is saying . A time will come might you will not require any subtitle that means you are on the right way of learning. Yes,it will take some time to come into this stage.

Reading is one of the most productive task you can do . Because it will not only help in you learning the new language but will also help you in increasing your knowledge at the same time. Sit with a pen or pencil and dictionary so that whenever a difficult word comes you can underline and can find the meaning of the word.You must read minimum 2 pages of book each and every day.

4.Learn online:-
If you are not sure that you can learn a new language all by yourself and need someone to guide you then online learning is rhe best solution. There are infinite online courses present today. By just sitting at home you can learn any language whenever you want as per your choice. 

5.Practice, practice and practice:-
Each and every method will work out if you are giving your 100% percent in learning. But if you will just procrastinate and say "I will start learning the language from tomorrow " you are not in correct way of learning. Practice each and everyday of speaking, reading, listening and learning even for just 15 minutes each day . But, the thing is that you have to be focused and concentrated .

These are all best language learning methods. Hope you liked it .

So, this is all about why learning a new language is important still we know our mother tongue. Some methods or steps are given , so that you can learn a new language in easy and effective manner. 

Do not lose your hope , in the early stages you might fail but in the upcoming time you can master it. Have patience continue to learn new thing each and every day .

What you learnt in this post:
1.Why learning different languages us important?
2.Learning languages "methods".



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